infinitas SP670 Touring
With its output of 670 hp and 790 Nm, this infinitas SP670 is the perfect family car.
Difference to stock
The technical differences to the stock model: The vehicle has been fitted with 200-cell sports downpipes. The vehicle was then tuned by an infinitas engineer on the in-house dyno.

The infinitas 650hp conversion can be realized from around €4,600.
Are you interested in this or a similar conversion? < By request > you can design your individual infinitas and receive a price.
More power possible
infinitas stands for almost unlimited possibilities and the highest quality! That’s why we don’t stop at 670 hp, because we can also provide power outputs of 900 hp or more for vehicles with the S58 engine. On request, power in exceeding 900 hp is also possible. There are also expansion stages with the option of TÜV registration. < Send inquiry >
Different perfomance levels Do you own another vehicle and are you interested in a performance upgrade?